Recent work | September 17, 2021
Roschier acted for Genesta in the sale of an office property in Stockholm, Sweden
Genesta has sold the office property "The Block", located in the municipality of Solna, to real estate company Atlasmuren. Roschier represented Genesta in the transaction.
On behalf of its fund GNRE Core Plus, Genesta acquired the 13,300 square meter office property “The Block” in July 2018. Strategically located in Solna, the property has been upgraded considerably under Genesta’s management.
GNRE (Genesta Nordic Real Estate) Core Plus’s strategy is to provide top tier institutional investors with access to core plus office property investments in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo. The fund also invests in retail and logistics properties in large metropolitan areas in the Nordic region and has a total investment capacity of approximately EUR 700 million.
Independent real estate fund management company Genesta focuses on commercial real estate in the Nordic region. Genesta has offices in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Luxembourg.
Roschier’s advisory team comprised Lisa Hybbinette, Chrissa Karambotis, Anton Widlund and Mahir Silajdzic.