Insights | January 13, 2021
Observations on outlook disclosure and profit warnings during the COVID-19 crisis
The uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has left companies in the dark. This has not least affected companies’ financial outlooks. The challenge of reporting to a market gasping for information is monumental when companies themselves are uncertain about the future. In this article, we look back at the disclosure trends in 2020 as a means to understand how to best keep the market informed in a continued state of turbulence and uncertainty.
Despite the Finnish market hopefully heading into a year of more normality and peace in 2021, significant uncertainties remain. Providing clarity on outlook under these circumstances may continue to be difficult. We can now look at how the pandemic affected companies’ reporting of outlook in the exceptional year of 2020 and provide some reflections and guidance for the times ahead.
Please find the whole article, written by Antti Ihamuotila, Seppo Kymäläinen, Mia Mokkila and Alex Antikainen, below.