Events | October 18, 2016
Roschier Topical Forum: The Brave New Internet of Things (IoT): Security and Intellectual property
Roschier's IP & Technology team arranged a Roschier Topical Forum on 18 October 2016 in Helsinki. The theme of the seminar was the brave new paradigm called IoT – Internet of Things.
IoT is emerging and it purports to connect virtually everything that surrounds us – cars, the electric grid, home appliances, light bulbs, children’s clothes, locks, homes, roofs, even our physical bodies – to one gigantic interconnected machine, the internet. This obviously makes issues that were previously relevant only for limited cases like internet security and connectivity patents, directly applicable to virtually everything that surrounds us.
This highly topical theme was discussed at a seminar hosted by Roschier today. After some welcoming words and an introduction to the topic by Roschier Partner Mikko Manner, the floor was given to the guest speaker Mika Ståhlberg (CTO, F-Secure), who together with Roschier Partner Niklas Östman discussed both The Security of Things and The IP of Things
After the seminar, the guests enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner.
For more information on the topic, please contact Niklas Östman.