Firm news | January 13, 2023
Roschier is a new supporting member of the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute
The Institute’s mission is to promote ethical decision processes within business as well as within the rest of the community and to prevent the use of bribes and other types of corruption as a means for affecting decision processes.
“The membership is in line with our work to participate in the continuous building of common rules for our society. We are happy to do our part in spreading awareness about corruption-related matters”, says Johan Sidklev, Chair of Roschier’s Board.
“Our clients actively work to prevent corruption and other irregularities and we are their natural sparring partner in this ongoing compliance work. Through the membership, we are part of a unique network that brings more knowledge and insight into compliance-related matters”, Roschier Partner Jenny Welander Wadström comments.
Founded in 1923, the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Sw: Institutet Mot Mutor, IMM) is a non-profit organization that puts great emphasis on information to businesses and trade confederations, media and authorities on ethical business behavior including laws and court cases on corruptive marketing and bribery.
The Institute has since its inception worked for self-regulation to combat corruption in society. In this manner, private business has been a driving force in the struggle against bribery and corruption and in convincing the government about the importance of forceful legislation on this topic. The Institute administers the Code to prevent Corruption in Business.