Recent work | April 11, 2019
Roschier represented Erikoissijoitusrahasto eQ Liikekiinteistöt in the acquisition of four retail properties
Roschier represented the Special Investment Fund eQ Finnish Real Estate (Erikoissijoitusrahasto eQ Liikekiinteistöt), a real estate fund investing in commercial real estate, in the approx. EUR 74 million acquisition of four multi-tenant retail properties in Tampere, Espoo and Nurmijärvi from the Nordic real estate investment company NREP. Two of the properties were recently constructed – the shopping center Rajamäen Lähde in Nurmijärvi opened in October 2018, and the retail park Laajalahden Bredis in Espoo opened in March 2019.
The Roschier core team comprised of Mika Alanko and Alisa Muraja.