Firm news | December 8, 2020

Season’s Greetings from Roschier

We celebrate the festive season by focusing our attention and support on the wellbeing of children and young people through our long-time charity partners Lastenklinikoiden Kummit ry (The Association of Friends of the University Children’s hospitals) and Barncancerfonden Stockholm Gotland (The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund).

Roschier’s long-time charity partners Kummit ry and Barncancerfonden Stockholm Gotland work tirelessly for the treatment and recovery of children and young people who are seriously ill. Our firm-wide annual seasonal donations will be directed to specific projects within their work.

This year, we support Kummit ry in their two-year campaign Mielen tila (State of Mind), which aims to prevent, detect and offer prompt care on a national level to children and youth suffering from anxiety and anxiety disorders. The campaign funds will be used to implement The Cool Kids Program, a renowned skills-based program that teaches children and teenagers and their parents how to better manage various types of anxiety.

Our support to Barncancerfonden Stockholm Gotland continues to focus on initiatives that improve the comfort of young patients during their hospital stay, the most important being Supersnöret, an initiative that we have supported since 2014. Within the Supersnöret initiative, each child who is diagnosed with cancer has the opportunity to create his or her own unique string of beads, where each bead represents a different step in the treatment. As some aspects of the treatment may be difficult to comprehend, the string of beads helps the child to understand what the treatment involves and to explain it to friends, grandparents, teachers, etc.

As the young patients at the pediatric cancer wards at Nya Karolinska in Stockholm and Uusi lastensairaala in Helsinki hold a special place in our hearts, we will also arrange for Christmas gifts to be delivered to them before Christmas.