Insights | February 1, 2024
Contributing to well-being of children together with Prinsparets Stiftelse
Founded in 2015 in connection with the Prince Couple's wedding, Prinsparets Stiftelse sees their mission in contributing to children and young people feeling good at school, in their free time, and online. Roschier's pro bono partnership with the foundation started in March 2023.
The foundation’s work focuses on two areas: Ensuring a safer online environment for children and young people and creating awareness and understanding of dyslexia. During their nearly 10 years of operations the foundation has completed hundreds of projects and supported great numbers of children to feel good. Some of the projects include the report The value of being yourself, Det stora äventyret educational game for children with dyslexia, and Lajka platform with teaching materials for schools.
“The Prince Couple’s Foundation works towards the vision of all children and youth having the possibility to be themselves. Our partnership with Roschier propels our continued work to develop initiatives, tools and projects to benefit our target group. We are excited for what the partnership holds for the year ahead”, says Kim Waller, Secretary General at Prins Carl Philips och Prinsessan Sofias Stiftelse.
“I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with Prinsparets Stiftelse – it is an inspirational team that works very committedly towards the purposes and goals of the foundation. We provide the foundation with valuable advice and legal support to enable and facilitate their work. Being able to contribute and make an impact through our pro bono work is something that I value and find very important,” says Chrissa Karambotis, Roschier Senior Associate.
Our long tradition of working pro bono with non-profit organizations is part of our commitment to society and a reflection of our values. This cooperation also matches our long-term focus on children and young people.