Events | October 11, 2019
Animated discussions at Roschier’s NBForum live stream event
As Roschier was one of the partners of Nordic Business Forum 2019, we were proud to offer assistants from our client companies the possibility to join this year's NBForum buzz at our offices.
More than 60 assistants gathered at Roschier’s Helsinki office on Thursday evening to watch the live stream of Dr. Brené Brown‘s keynote from Nordic Business Forum 2019. After that, Leadership Coach Eeva Jaakonsalo from Andas Oy brought the topics to our everyday work and life by talking about how we can reach a better cooperation and better work environment by daring to lead, by being ourselves and by setting our own boundaries.
Brené Brown gave us food for thought with her poignant way of delivering her message. She reminded us that, in order to be leaders, we also need the courage to be vulnerable and show who we really are.
“Do not get stuck in setbacks,” she said, and quoted one of the other NBForum speakers this year, George Clooney, who said that failure is a great teacher, but you have to move on.
Courage is a skillset that can be learned and taught, as long as you don’t let fear get in the way.
“Daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100 percent teachable, observable, and measurable. It’s learning and unlearning that requires brave work, tough conversations, and showing up with your whole heart. Brave leaders are never silent around hard things,” said Brené Brown.
The discussion among our guests after Brown’s speech, together with Eeva Jaakonsalo, was engaged and animated and the networking over a nice dinner a success.